Saturday 24 August 2013

Lovely 24th August (:

Hello thereeeeeee. Today is like the first week after all those ndp rehearsals & ndp actual day & school events , it's the first time my saturdays is finally freeee!! Wootssss!! ^^ Today morning around 10plus , i met Jolene for breakfast before we go to gym with deslyn too! :D We both wore obey snapback to the gym & at cp , we wore the snapbacks & everyone look at us like we are keesiaoooo!! HAHAHA. We ate kfc porridge before i officially go & lose weight HAHA. :P

The moment the three of us step into the gym , it is like sooooo awkward !! >< imagine 3 girls walking to a place filled of boys omg .___. Thats how we felt !! >< the moment we step into the gym , ALL or almost all of the boys stared at us soooooo blankly!! HAHAHAHAHA!! We started off with some pulling machine, then after that running. Then, we go & discover & tried out all those machines we nvr tried before one, & we accidentally drop one machine on the floor which makes a very loud noiseeeeee!>< So paiseh hahaha :B Then we go the cycling machine for 15min & my leg turn numb muahahaha >< then we saw a guy who use his leg & grab two dumbbells & lift himself up with his hands !! Sooooo coool ! But his epic face is so obseen HAHA >< We also saw a guy who is lying on a mat at a hidden corner . And jolene says he look like he having boner hahaha :P And and and , i saw a lady working out & no joke, she is FREAKING FREAKING sexy & chio cannnnnn!! D: * jealous die me * i like her tann colour , her features T.T she even have 6-packssssss -screams- After that boner china dude left, three of us go over to that corner with 2 mats , & we starting doing our monthly exercise which is like so hard >< After that we started camworing over there, & some people look at us like siao zhar bo attacks HAHAHA. :B after that , we left the gym with sweating bodies & when deslyn went home, me & jolene went to compass point & had our lunch ( yogurts ! ) weeeee diet lunch muahahaha. I added macaroon, pocky, & chocolate chips as my toppings with rasberry & mango yogurt hahaha :B after that we went home happily . And thats the end of our gym date todayyyy! :D

twinnie for da day
lunch hahahaha
Signing off now with love,
Bryana xoxo

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